Sökningen fann 10 träffar

av Tandgnostr
2021-12-28 14:37
Kategori: Folkslag
Tråd: Människor
Svar: 253
Visningar: 240415

Re: Människor

Tak, det var den i Krillioan jeg ikke kunne finde. Men den er desværre ikke godt balanceret.

Skal +3 til en grundegenskab forstås som om man kan starte med 21, eller er maximum stadig 18?
av Tandgnostr
2021-12-26 08:50
Kategori: Folkslag
Tråd: Människor
Svar: 253
Visningar: 240415

Re: Människor

Hej ErebAltor.

Findes der en tabel med grundegenskabs modifikationer for menneskeracer? (realistisk balancerede modifikationer, ikke dem fra Ereb Altor kompendiet)
av Tandgnostr
2016-03-01 14:32
Kategori: Länder & Platser
Tråd: Staden O
Svar: 106
Visningar: 157039

Re: Staden O

Thank you very much for the info. Reading Martin's A Song of Ice And Fire I've gotten used to multiple story lines and complex characters, so I'll give it a shot =)
av Tandgnostr
2016-02-29 21:48
Kategori: Länder & Platser
Tråd: Staden O
Svar: 106
Visningar: 157039

Re: Staden O

Hi Erik, thanks for the clarification and thanks for the great ideas you've provided. I'm excited to see there's a series of novels covering the 5. Konfluxen, I'll definitely be reading those! I'm also curious that you say there's 5 parts to the RPG scenario series 5. Konfluxen since I've only got 4...
av Tandgnostr
2016-02-29 15:29
Kategori: Länder & Platser
Tråd: Palinor
Svar: 1215
Visningar: 858235

Re: Palinor

Yeah, that's all I could find as well.

Maybe I'll just use a heavy warhorse as base and multiply the physical stats by 1.25 or something, to account for their larger size. I'll post if I come up with something more detailed. =)
av Tandgnostr
2016-02-23 15:16
Kategori: Länder & Platser
Tråd: Staden O
Svar: 106
Visningar: 157039

Re: Staden O

Oh, I wasn't aware there was a novel, I was referring to the scenario and thought there might be a follow-up scenario to 5. Konflux.

Where would I find the novel??
av Tandgnostr
2016-02-22 22:45
Kategori: Länder & Platser
Tråd: Staden O
Svar: 106
Visningar: 157039

Re: Staden O

Is there a sequel to Svavelvinter? I see it debated quite a bit...
av Tandgnostr
2016-02-22 22:30
Kategori: Länder & Platser
Tråd: Palinor
Svar: 1215
Visningar: 858235

Re: Palinor

Does anyone have stats and cost for a Panserhest?
av Tandgnostr
2016-02-03 16:14
Kategori: Alternativa Regelsystem
Tråd: Porting characters to 4. edition
Svar: 2
Visningar: 11034

Re: Porting characters to 4. edition

Yeah, I was thinking along those lines as well, but was thinking we'd let people divide up their attacks as much as they like up to 6 actions. However, that would probably put almost everyone up to 6 actions very quickly, so one may be reasonable.

Thanks for your input!
av Tandgnostr
2016-01-27 16:28
Kategori: Alternativa Regelsystem
Tråd: Porting characters to 4. edition
Svar: 2
Visningar: 11034

Porting characters to 4. edition

Hey guys, I'm a Danish DoD fan from the days of old, and I've been following your forum for some time. A lot of good stuff here, keep it up!! I have a question that I'm sure some of you may have run into at some point as well. Some of our characters are really old, dating back to before Expert came ...